(Filme baseado no jogo Ben 10 omniverse: Rise of heroes),Após as férias de verão,Ben retorna para a escola em um dia estressante e preocupado com o omnitrix que está em grande perigo,até que o omnitrix começa a fazer ruídos e então ocorre uma grande explosão,que transforma todos os seres vivos de bellwood se transformarem grandes monstros alienígenas.Logo depois a cidade fica um caos e é tomada por uma nova espécie de aliens que querem dominar a terra,porém Ben consegue ter ajuda de algumas pessoas que não foram totalmente infectadas pela radiação do omnitrix,cabe a Ben,Gwen e Max impedir que a cidade seja dominada totalmente pelos alienígenas.
This game has often been compared to League Of Legends, although Rise of Immortals doesn't have nearly as much of a reputation as its rival series. Players will select from a variety of magical heroes to fight in wide maps, and will be able to interact with other players in a hub world with their chosen hero. It's not that different from League of Legends, although many players complained about some characters and items being way too strong, while others detested the character designs in general.
Ben 10 Omniverse Rise Of Heroes
Players start out extremely weak, but with each new level, they are able to equip better gear and stronger weapons. Many players complained that there was too little to do, but for what it's worth, it's definitely a good game to keep you busy for a bit as you rise to the top of the food chain through hours of online grinding. 2ff7e9595c